Monday, March 26, 2012

The Monk who sold his Ferrari

Master your Mind
Follow your Purpose
Practise Kaizen
Live with Discipline
Respect Your Time
Selflessly serve Others
Embrace the Present

Simple truths told by so many masters but how many would really plod through these worthwhile truths if narrated as a theory or philosophy. Robin Sharma succeeds in book after book to spin a an interesting story round these universal truths that you enjoy reading.

The Power of Authenticity 
Embrace Your Fears
Live with Kindness
Make Small Daily Progress
To lead your best life do your best work
Choose Your Influences well
Life's Simplest pleasures are life's Greatest Joys
The Purpose of Life is to Love
Stand for Something Bigger Than Yourself

A great sequel. The first one was about a high powered courtroom lawyer Julian Mantle who crisis ridden life forces him to pursue spirituality,the next is his relative Jonathan who is conned into travel across the planet to collect  some life saving secrets left behind by Julian before he disappeared.

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