Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Celestine Prophesy

Narrated in the form of a very gripping fiction ,woven into it deep philosophical ,spiritual and psychological idea,
The main idea being coincidences are not just random happenings but have a purpose.The main character undertakes a journey seeking the 9 spiritual insights found in ancient manuscripts in Peru.The story revolves round his travel to unearth these manuscripts before he gets to read them he actually experiences them all the while being pursued by powerful lobbies within the Govt, and Church.
Could not keep the book down till I completed it cover to cover.I guess it sort of matched my thinking that things happen in one's life for a particular purpose and that it not just a chance that you meet particular people or live in a particular place. In retrospect I feel every person I have been associated with, was there in my life because i had to experience certain things which however painful at that point in time has always been for my growth and has helped me evolve...

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