Friday, August 24, 2012

morning welcome from nature

A floral welcome this morning the 4 hibiscus flowers that too at almost the same height took my breath away!
The sunny sunflower and the blazing red adenium were not far behind.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

egg plant- discovery :)

If the flower is lavendar it's round

If white flowers then these long ones

some beauties in the kitchen garden

Kitchen Garden - experiments

On to bottles as a means of container gardening these
have cilantro & garlic in them lets see if they sprout

chives in the top half with the soil, water in the bottom half,
a wick through the mouth of the bottle in the hope it absorbs the water
for the seedling to grow

the wick is clearer in this one

love this bottle gourd flower

first bottle gourd to appear

with attention shifting to vegetables these are the few surviving flowering plants

crop from these five string bean plants have been in plenty

tomatoes only seem to flower :(

yet another survivor

adeniums too 

today's crop 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

crop from kitchen garden

ready for my morning juice

yesterdays menu

that is also an ingredient 

getting ready for next weeks menu

Today's menu

supply to neighbours 

It greens every alternate day & brinjal  sambar !

Elango who helps in the garden seems to love the  raddishes
so this is for his family's dinner

Brinjal fry today?

my favorite poriyal

greens again!

you know the menu today !